12″ Axial AC Plastic Blower

High output from a compact Axial Blower, this super quiet unit is designed for easy use and storage without sacrificing airflow. It is made of lightweight-, corrosion-, UV- and chemical-resistant polyethylene in a “safety orange” color. A molded-in carry handle is an added feature to this unit. Certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No.113. CE Certified.

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Free Air One 90° Bend Two 90° Bends
1842 1004 933
28 lbs. 1 hp 115V-230V AC, 50/60 Hz

Parts and Technical Info

  • Part Number





  • 9543

    12″ Axial AC Plastic Blower
    Spec: ENG / ESP
    Parts List:
  • 9543-E

    12″ Axial AC Plastic Blower (220V AC/50 Hz). Does NOT meet CSA C22.2 No. 113 requirements.
    Spec: ENG

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